Friday, June 29, 2007

new pictures

Originally uploaded by joshweathersby.
downtown stream
samcheong dong

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Here's something new to love about Korea

The Doosan Bears

A little explanation:
The baseball teams here aren't named after cities. Instead they are named after a few massive family corporations that manufacture (and probably run) everything here: LG, Lotte, Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, etc. Our local stadium is at the Jamsil Sports Complex, and is the home field for the two Seoul Based teams - the LG Twins and the Doosan Bears. LG made our washing machine, which has been the nightmare that lives on our porch. Doosan, on the other hand, makes Majuang Riesling, a good wine that you can get for $7 at any grocery store. So, our choice was clear. Last night we went to our first game, sat under the smog obscured stars and watched Doosan embarrass LG 12-1. Nice.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Like God Intended

Like God Intended
Originally uploaded by joshweathersby.
more of what's been going on
horse races, cherry blossoms, norebang etc. pictures on flickr

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bethany does her strong face

new photos on flickr. get there!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Pictures on Flickr

Originally uploaded by joshweathersby.
We're just back from our trip to Won Ju for Sulnal (Chinese New Year) and a few new pictures are up on our flickr site. Just click on Alice ->

Sunday, January 07, 2007

At the DMZ

Originally uploaded by joshweathersby.
This is a ROK soldier, who is at this moment straddling the border of North and South Korea at the DMZ. Bethany is smiling because she doesn't know that he could kill her without moving. These guys are so tough that they have to be tae kwon do masters to even be considered for this job, and they have to wear sunglasses all the time so they don't accidentally kill someone with their eyes.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Views From Seoul Tower